Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Encounter

I still dont have my wedding photos yet and I dont think our photographer had taken a pic of Samaira as my flowergirl soo i decided to take some..(its not their fault, that's if they didnt take any of her, because she was sleepy and got kidnapped by her uncle or aunt). Isnt she lovely guys?

My mom's sunflower plants always bloom during these summer months. I asked her why she planted those and her simple reply was "oh, I dont know." But whatever the reasons it, we all know bees loves them pollen type of flowers and travel anywhere to get them. So for our normal routine, we always go outside to get our mail. We usually have those wrasp type of bees around the brushes so i dont play pretty much attention to it. But Sambear was looking and she goes "mommy, what that" pointed to this black and yellow bee on the flower. I told her its a bumble bee baby. Her replied were "Bum-bo bee,ohh wow pret-ty, YAY!!!" She got closer to check it out, i was worried of her getting bite. So I just told her, yes that's a bumble bee but it will bite you and you will die. Sambear got so scared she ran back to the door and said "mommy, come on it bite"
So my scary ass got my brother to go take the pic for me. =) What a wonderful sister and mother i am huh? puahhahha...

Friday, August 15, 2008

How Times Fly By..

I had a talk with the hubby a few days ago, asking him if he wanted more children. And his simple answer was NO! hahaha. So he asked me, if I wanted more of course I want just one more. He inform me that he only want Samaira to be his lil girl and only child. Its not because of money wise or nething like that. So having another kid is outta the question for me....for now. hahahha...Unless when Samaira gets older she will be asking for a brother or sister to play with. =P

lets post some pictures of Sambear since she was a newborn to now. Lets see how much she has changed threw out the 2 years.. since she has alot of pics..i'm just gonna post a few.. (by months)

but b4 doing so...i know alot of you guys wants to know....

how did we get samaira name? we got it from a magazine i once read long ago when i first dated nick. its actually pronouce different than its spell (Sa-mer-ra). why did we choice to spell that way? well that, u gotta ask nick.

And why we pick it? well first of all its a pretty name and its different.

ALOT of people would tell us ohh u got that name from the moive the ring (the girl that crawl out of the tv set) and its totally false!! i had research that after i got soo many pplz telling me that. and that girl name is pronouced Sa-ma-ra. dumb-ass! =) Totally different!!
Many pplz still have trouble saying her name, i dont know why. If my 80 yrs old grandmother can say it i dont see why anyone cant. and she only speak vietnamese. but alot who cant seem to or remember how to, can call her Sam or Sammie. Either way she still answer you. =)

So i introduce you to my lovely-lil monster daughter:

Samaira YenNhi Le

Newborn- 5lb 6oz 18 3/4inch..


One Month- lookin like a white girl rite??


Two Months- i can hold my head up..


1st the cold. =(


Three Months-can sit with support, ya "i'm hood-ed"


Four Months- its cold outside..


Five Months- i'm cute with clothes on and i'm super cute without it.. (mommy said, i threw up)



Six and Seven months piles of pics-- mommy, misplace it somewhere so lets skip...she figure i still look the same...

ohhh wait..... she found one..


Eight Months--


Nine Months--me with my best friend monkey...


Ten Months-mommy wanna show my sexy lip/long eyelashes and then that's me with some hair growing..



11 months- hey, you want me to read to ya?...


i got mad skill


12 months- yay, i'm one years old!!!


my bday gift is soo soft..ohhh i love her


Mommy, forgot where she place a few months after my bday... soo lets go tooooooo....

16 months-- this is my daddy, i was a bellarina bunny..


18 months-- i can climb and sit on big chair, i'm a big girl now.


19 months-- how u like my teeth?


20 months- mommy, told me i have to be lady-like


and she said, i can be a tomboy and prissy at the same time


21 months- my first time at the park, it was fun!


and here i'm with my cousin Emma, she was showing me her Dora shoe..


22 months- my hair is growing, finally!


i like the water thing at church.


23 months- you like my hair style? its cool huh? =)


24 months- so here it is again, my birthday. I'm TWO years old.


25 months- people always asking my mommy if terrible two is true, she say i have my moments! but its just only a month that i'm two, she just dont know what i have in store for her all she know is this....


seeee, this will fool her....


26 months-- bright and early!!!


soo mommy and daddy take me to SeaWorld...and here i am takin a break from the sun..


as of now- the lil monster is 26lbs and close to being 3 ft tall. a ball of fire. happy and very friendly child as she was first born. she talks here n there. understand both languages but perfer vietnamese more. her hair is growin longer but not really, its still reddish brown.

okay so that's all for now, see many changes? not really huh? anyways, i hope yall enjoy this entry.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So this is the first blog i have bare with me....i'm liking this better than xanga. just updates and what not on my lil monster and maybe a lil on my life. =) sooo to be cont....i guess?