Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Encounter

I still dont have my wedding photos yet and I dont think our photographer had taken a pic of Samaira as my flowergirl soo i decided to take some..(its not their fault, that's if they didnt take any of her, because she was sleepy and got kidnapped by her uncle or aunt). Isnt she lovely guys?

My mom's sunflower plants always bloom during these summer months. I asked her why she planted those and her simple reply was "oh, I dont know." But whatever the reasons it, we all know bees loves them pollen type of flowers and travel anywhere to get them. So for our normal routine, we always go outside to get our mail. We usually have those wrasp type of bees around the brushes so i dont play pretty much attention to it. But Sambear was looking and she goes "mommy, what that" pointed to this black and yellow bee on the flower. I told her its a bumble bee baby. Her replied were "Bum-bo bee,ohh wow pret-ty, YAY!!!" She got closer to check it out, i was worried of her getting bite. So I just told her, yes that's a bumble bee but it will bite you and you will die. Sambear got so scared she ran back to the door and said "mommy, come on it bite"
So my scary ass got my brother to go take the pic for me. =) What a wonderful sister and mother i am huh? puahhahha...

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